Julie Cross Hoko
Bard Financial Services Principal*
Julie was born and raised proudly in Lawrence, Kansas, the child of two wise and wonderful KU professors. Go Jayhawks! While getting her degree there she met her husband Jim, then acquiring his PhD in child psychology. They made their way east to Connecticut approximately 15 years ago for Jim to go to work with great people and kids at ACES, Area Cooperative Education Services. Julie went to work for Bard Financial Services, also discovering a second family there. Over the years she acquired more knowledge and responsibilities and is currently a partner of the firm. After quite a few years of "play" (skiing, scuba diving, hiking,) she and Jim were blessed with the most fun of all, two wonderful children; Jemma and Jeremy. Together with their beloved dogs, fish and wildlife they make their home in Madison, CT.
*Julie is not registered with SagePoint Financial, Inc.